The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology” The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology”
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#1 / 2015


  • E.A. Avdeev
    Nation state, nation and ethnos in the context of globalization: the socio-philosophical analysis

    This paper considers the prospects for the existence and evolution of nations and nation states in the context of globalization. The dialectical character of the formation of globalization, nations and nationalism in history and modern era is emphasized. The question of the future of a nation and nation state in a globalizing world is considered. It has been found that to date there is no supranational institutions capable of performing all the functions of the nation state. The need for strong governmental power remains. The process of formation of political nations in the world today is not completed yet. Nationalism serves as the trend opposite to westernization. Formation of political nations in non-western societies will contribute to the elaboration of national development strategies based on their own socio-cultural patterns.

    pdf 13-18.pdf  (136 Kb)

  • V.V. Buryak
    Global transformations and trends of internetization

    Globalization is a modern stage in the evolution of the biosphere and noospherogenesis. The nature of global transformations reflects the key features of the current stage of socio-cultural development which is determined by the course of planetary information. High-tech communication is the most important factor of noospherogenesis. The purpose of the article is to show direct correlation between the exponential expansion of the infosphere and globalization. The general idea of the present work can be formulated in such a way: placing the theme of planetary mobilization in the context of globalization. The main topic of the paper is a comprehensive analysis of the interaction of information technologies and globalized communication. Intellectual contribution of the author consists in the analysis of global trends of internetization and high-tech communications as factors of accelerating planetary transformation.

    pdf 19-26.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • N.A. Ilyinova
    Interdisciplinarity as characteristic of human cognition in the concept of L.N. Gumilev

    The paper discusses such characteristic of modern cognition as interdisciplinarity. An analysis is made of multidisciplinary concept of L.N. Gumilev, who considers synthesis of human and natural knowledge as a necessary component of history as a science.

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  • A.A. Khoroshilov
    Photography and visual perception

    The paper considers the phenomenon of visual perception of photographs at interdisciplinary level and in the context of socio-philosophical problems of the relationship between reality and images. Based on the ecological approach towards visual perception the basic laws of image sensing are formulated. It is shown that there are no photographs in the projective relationship with the object they represent, and may be designed in accordance with the method of vision of society. On these grounds, the conclusion is made about the possibility of using photography as the theoretical tool to analyze social structures.

    pdf 33-40.pdf  (154 Kb)


  • A.M. Balayan
    Development of military-political cooperation of Great Britain and the United States within the framework of policy in the Middle East in the early 21st century

    The paper discusses the military and political cooperation between the United States and Great Britain in the Middle East, as well as the preconditions of the acceptance of the doctrine of preventive war by Washington. Actions of Great Britain in support of the United States initiatives are disclosed. It is shown that the war in Iraq in 2003 clearly illustrated the essence of a special relationship between the United States and Great Britain.

    pdf 41-43.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • Yu.M. Guseinov
    Substantial aspects of Crimean-Daghestanian relations in the 15th-18th centuries

    The paper is devoted to the relationships of the Crimean Khanate and the feudal lords of the Northeast Caucasus in the 15th-18th centuries. The paper analyzes military cooperation and conflicts in different periods of history. In particular, an analysis is made of the role of Daghestan as the refuge place for disgraced Crimean princes, Daghestani service in the army of the Crimean khans and involvement of the Caucasus and Crimea feudal elites in various military-political alliances.

    pdf 44-47.pdf  (122 Kb)

  • Zh.V. Kagazezhev
    Ethnic Geography of the South Cherkessia in the late Middle Ages

    In the late Middle Ages, there were rather complicated ethnic processes in South Cherkessia. The process of confusion of old and the formation of new ethnic groups took place. These processes require additional research, which leads to the relevance of the topic of the paper. Basing on materials of medieval chronicles, studies of domestic and foreign authors, this work investigates ethnoterritorial processes which took place in South Cherkessia.

    pdf 48-53.pdf  (136 Kb)

  • A.R. Kazanchi
    Istparts of the Kuban and Adyghea: historiographical analysis

    The paper discusses the historiographical tradition in the study of history and the role of Istparts of the Kuban and Adyghea, which retains currently its controversial nature. It was concluded that most works were carried out in the Soviet period in the historical and party key, and modern historical literature since the early 1990s till present time is characterized by conceptual changes in the study of history, seeking new bases of analysis of the history of Russia, the formation of a new paradigm of historical knowledge.

    pdf 54-57.pdf  (122 Kb)

  • S.R. Nagoeva
    English Puritanism in the works of V.V. Stockmar

    The paper considers the Puritan movement in England through the prism of the works of outstanding Russian mediaevalist V.V. Stockmar. The relevance of the research is determined by the need of studying the National Historiography in the area of the Reformation in England.

    pdf 58-64.pdf  (145 Kb)

  • D.A. Stakhovska
    Registration of Christian groups in Karachay-Cherkessia in the 1920s: (from archival materials)

    The paper is devoted to the problem of registration of Christian groups on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia in the 1920s. Studies of archival materials reveal the political situation and the attitude of the Soviet government towards religious organizations of that time.

    pdf 65-70.pdf  (136 Kb)

  • S.H. Khotko
    On preservation of the Circassian (Adyghe) language in the environment of the Circassian Mamluks

    There is a significant amount of information in the Mamluk and European sources about the political and cultural ties of Circassia with the Mamluk Egypt. Circassian Mamluks strove to preserve their own language and customs, and the elite sent their sons to grow up in Circassia. Ibn Tagri Birdie has preserved for us the nickname of Sultan Barquq in the Adyghe language — Malihuk, meaning «son of a shepherd».

    pdf 71-74.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • A.K. Cheucheva
    Place of Cherkessia in politics of the Great Britain after the conclusion of the Unkiar Skelessi Treaty in 1833

    This paper considers issues related to the inclusion of the territory of Circassia in the sphere of British interests in the East. The activity of the British embassy in Constantinople, and the reaction of the official London to conclusion of the Unkiar-Skelessi Treaty, and strengthening of the positions of Russia on the Black Sea have been analyzed.

    pdf 75-83.pdf  (161 Kb)

  • S.A. Chuprynnikov
    North-Caucasian trade unions in social and industrial sphere in the 1930s

    This paper discusses the activities of North-Caucasian trade unions in strengthening labor discipline, the formation of the Soviet system of collective farm trade, the fight against homelessness and crime, pension system, and the formation of a new life in a mobilization model of the society development. It is inferred that the trade unions are subordinated to the state machine and lose their independence.

    pdf 84-94.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • A.M. Shameev
    New conditions and characteristic features of the culture in modern Republic of Adyghea

    The paper examines the new conditions and characteristic features of the culture in the Republic of Adyghea at the present stage. This process can be traced through the development of education, science, literature, art and institutions of cultural and leisure type.

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  • K.R. Bolgareva
    Sociological measurements of students’ attitude towards advertising: problem statement

    This paper concentrates on the results of the opinion of sociological poll among students, study of their views on the Russian advertising and social advertising in the Republic of Adyghea. The author shows specificity of attitude of students of the Republic towards social advertising: the importance of the issue under study, in which social advertising has an important role in the socialization of society and solving social problems.

    pdf 103-107.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • E.B. Zhurchenko
    Building up culture of tolerance among students in the context of intercultural communication

    In this paper the author notes acquired nature of the culture of tolerance. The attention is concentrated on the relatively recent history of the scientific study of the culture of tolerance in Russia. The importance of the culture of tolerance in intercultural communication is indicated. Various scientific approaches to the characteristic of the problematic field of the culture of tolerance are discussed. The author proves the necessity of creating a culture of tolerance for the feasibility of intercultural dialogue.

    pdf 108-113.pdf  (134 Kb)

  • A.R. Kasparov
    Public opinion of the Russians on the activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies (from the materials of Republic of Adyghea)

    The paper presents the results of a pilot survey held in the Republic of Adyghea in order to ascertain public opinion of citizens of the Republic on the activities of the various police units. The comparative analysis is carried out with data obtained by VTsIOM and the Levada Center in 2012-2014.

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  • A.I. Kuznetsov
    The socio-cultural specificity of professional socialization in the process of obtaining higher education in the system of internal affairs

    This paper is dedicated to the study of mutual legal socialization of young specialists of law enforcement sphere and the process of the development of their professional identity. On the basis of theoretical analysis, the formation of socio-cultural status of young specialists of law enforcement sphere, as well as the influence of legal education on the formation of their cultural and legal mentality are studied.

    pdf 118-121.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • A.Kh. Lyuev
    External labor migration and competition in the Russian labor market

    In this paper, the author raises a burning question of competition between external labor migrants and indigenous people in the labor market of the Russian Federation. The attention is drawn to the contradictory points of view regarding the competition of migrants and Russian citizens in the labor market. Main factors providing the opportunity or the virtual absence of labor competition of foreign migrants and Russian citizens in the Russian labor market are identified and analyzed

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  • Ya.V. Morozova
    Assessment of professional competence of the Russian youth in today’s labor market and vocational and labor relations

    In this paper, the author evaluates the level of professional competence of the Russian youth in innovative society from the perspective of the cognitive-developing paradigm of education and regulations of activist sociological paradigm of criteria of professional competence based on the understanding of the professional as an actor of social action.

    pdf 128-135.pdf  (151 Kb)

  • N.I. Sevryugina
    Communicative task of conviction in intercultural communication

    The paper discusses communicative tasks in the process of intercultural communication. Attention is paid to one of the most important communicative tasks — the task of conviction.

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  • Zh.A. Stash
    Innovative technologies in the prevention of deviant behavior among young people in the region (the Republic of Adyghea as an example)

    The paper concentrates on the problem of deviant behavior among young people in the region, which is directed at preserving and improving the health of the younger generation, citizen involvement in regular physical culture and sports activities, especially young people of Republic of Adyghea.

    pdf 139-145.pdf  (278 Kb)

  • V.A.Teshev
    The comparative analysis of the dual form of education in Germany and Russia

    In the present paper the author studies the content of the dual form of education in Germany and Russia. This paper presents comparative analysis of the content of the dual form of education in Germany and Russia. The aim of this work is the identification and verification of the concept of the dual form of education in Germany and the possibilitis of using its elements in the higher educational institutions of Russia.

    pdf 146-150.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • N.V. Khlabystova
    Interaction of institute of higher vocational education and the labor market in modern Russian society (the Krasnodar Territory as an example)

    One of the pressing problems of the modern Russian society is the problem of interaction between the institutions of higher education and labor market, and also the change of the requirements for employed specialists. Transformation processes of contemporary Russian society generate new demands of employers to specialists while employing. Today, an employer while employing, pays attention not only to the professional competence of a specialist, but also to the universal competence of an individual. This paper analyzes the results of sociological research aimed at studying the requirements of employers to specialists and also the study of the interaction model of labor market and the institution of higher education (FSBEI HPE «Kuban State University od Technology» as an example). It is important to identify the criteria that determine the successful employment of graduates since this indicator is one of the main factors in the choice of university undergraduate applicants. This case study will help the university administration to improve interaction with employers and prepare competitive specialists in the labor market.

    pdf 151-157.pdf  (255 Kb)

  • E.A. Chefonova
    Social partnership in the sociocultural sphere: the context of project activity in the municipality

    The paper discusses a model of social partnership based on an analysis of the results of project activity in sociocultural sphere of Rakityansky region. The concepts of social partnership in the context of sociocultural development were clarified.

    pdf 158-170.pdf  (194 Kb)


  • M.Z. Abesalashvili, L.N. Burkova, S.M. Tutarischeva
    Protection of nonpecuniary rights and compensation of moral damages: International and Russian Experience

    The paper studies the norms regulating personal nonpecuniary rights in legislations of different countries. In these rules there is a clear adherence to the fundamental principles enshrined in international human right instruments, which determine the possibility of unification of legal regulation of that field of public relations. Examples of international experience offer effective approaches to compensation of moral damages in case of violation of nonpecuniary rights.

    pdf 171-174.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • S.G. Dzybova, E.A. Parasyuk
    On the appreciation of human rights in modern theory of state and law

    The paper analyzes the concept of human rights in terms of the theory of state and law. Approaches are comprehended to allocation of generations of human rights of a person and citizen. Reasons for their classification are studied.

    pdf 175-179.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • M.E. Kravchenko
    Assessment of the admissibility of evidences in terms of appropriate subjects for their obtainment in criminal matters

    This paper considers one of the problematic issues in the theory of criminal procedure, namely: assessment of admissibility of evidence in terms of appropriate subjects for their preparation in criminal matters.

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  • A.P. Mikhaylov
    Criminal behavior of juveniles and young people: the theory of matter

    In this paper, the author analyzes the existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of illegal behavior of citizens belonging to the category of under age and young people. The author considers the subject of study as the phenomenon of the integrative, interdisciplinary nature.

    pdf 185-190.pdf  (134 Kb)

  • A.A. Ostashevsky
    Gnoseological foundations of legal concepts in the space of protection of honor and dignity

    The paper examines the gnoseological (gnosis-knowledge) roots of the legal concepts of honor, dignity and business reputation by using historical paradigms. The author traces the gnoseological roots which are present in the first Russian legal act «The Russian Truth». Simultaneously, a certain historical, cultural and legal succession of the definitions under study is noted.

    pdf 191-194.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • A.A. Teuchezh
    The correlation of «objective» and «legal» truth in criminal trial of Russia

    This paper considers the main stages in the development of the principle of establishing objective truth in the criminal case of the criminal trial of Russia. Examples of specific rules of criminal procedure legislation are used to justify the thesis that the requirement to establish the objective truth of the case is typical of domestic criminal proceedings. The correlation between the concepts «objective» and «legal» truth is studied.

    pdf 195-198.pdf  (122 Kb)

  • N.S. Chebanova
    Analysis of determination and procedure of levying navigation and environmental charges in the seaport of Novorossiysk

    The paper considers such types of port charges as navigational and environmental. Legal basis for the activities of the administration of the port and the procedure for charging port charges are determined. Those bodies are identified that are entitled to levy a charge on vessels, as well as the organization of the provision of navigation services by Azov-Black Sea basin branch «Rosmorport». The peculiarities of collection of environmental charges in the sea port of Novorossiysk are defined. The source of the financing of the sea port infrastructure and public authorities activities ensuring the safety of navigation in the sea port of Novorossiysk is a port tax. The main problem of levying port charges is the lack of a clear procedure for their calculation.

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  • I.M. Aganov
    Fine arts as ethnocultural phenomenon

    The paper is concerned with the peculiarities of the development of the fine arts in a multiethnic community. It touches upon the issue of the implementation and preservation of the ethnic element in painting and sculpture in close contact with different ethnic cultures to maintain and develop features of ethnoart thinking. Ethnic function of art is outlined. The issue is discussed on the material of the artistic culture of Karachay-Cherkessia.

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  • S.M. Nekhay
    Ethnic concept of the Adyghe folklore through the prism of spiritual songs

    Features of the formation of ethnic concept of the Adyghes by singing are considered in the paper. It is proved that spiritual songs reflecting the religious content of traditional culture of the Adyghe ethnos, symbolically construct a complete picture of the world binding still poorly differentiated syncretic unity of unconsciously poetic creativity.

    pdf 211-214.pdf  (120 Kb)