The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology”
A.Yu. ChadjeNikolay Berdyaev about the nation and national relations (after N.A.Berdyaev's collection of works “Destiny of Russia”) A.A. ShaovReconstruction of process of formation and development of ethnocultural and ethnoreligious outlook of Adyghe ethnos A.M. KushkhovaProblems of research of reciprocal influence of the person and the nature M.V. MaksimenkoThe concept and the characteristic of the transition period of a society: the philosophical comprehension L.I. MelnikIntelligentsia in the conditions of crisis sociocultural space L.I. MelnikOptimization of the crisis phenomena in professional work: an acmeological aspect
L.V. BurykinaOn principles of landed property and land tenure of the Kuban Cossacks at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 20th centuries L.D. FedoseevaEnglish agents in the Northwest Caucasus in the first half of the 19th century S.A. ChuprynnikovFormation of the Soviet public health care system in the Kuban region at the beginning of the 1920s
A.P. Mikhailov, A.A. FedoseevaSociocultural factors in an aetiology of youth’s deviating behaviour A.P. FedoseevProblems of re-socialization in a modern society: the sociocultural analysis E.P. Rubtsova“Life strategies” of youth: definition problems in a sociological discourse S.V. SergienkoCultural deviations in a context of the theory of anomia: the sociological analysis E.N. Ter-NikogosyanSociocultural factors of minimizing the influence of groups of risk: a regional profile E.P. RubtsovaDifferentiation of starting potentialities of studying youth as the basis of formation of life strategies R.Yu. ShikovaIdentity of Russian youth in conditions of sociocultural transformation I.O. LoginovaInnovational behaviour as a way of the human interaction with the world during the vital self-realization V.N. NekhayStudent's youth and law-enforcement system: problems of interaction in the conditions of globalization R.V. SergeevYouth and students as social groups and an object of the sociological analysis D.S. ShagakoAggression and violence in a context of social interactions T.L. YakhyaevObvious and latent questions of the national conflict: a view of the sociologist P.A. BaevReligious and nonreligious consciousness of the Russian society in the epoch of changes: problems of typologization I.I. BoldyshevSociocultural institutionalization of a domestic small business A.P. KolmakovCorrelation of the subjective right and the institute of legal capacity in social management Yu.Ch. TlekhasCultural legitimation of traffic rules
S.G. DzybovaThe general laws of implementation of norms of international law in the national legislation A.D. TlebzuOn the Russian traditions of two-chamber legislature S.M. TutarishchevaOn the content of constitutional-legal guarantee of ecological rights of the person and the citizen in the Russian Federation I.B. KhakonovaNational aspects of development of the Russian statehood I.N. GaidarevaAdministrative-legal ways of the resolution of the juridical conflict R.E. TovmasyanLegal features of payment systems