Topics of the journal
“The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University, the Series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Cultural Studies”
The subject of the journalwas created in compliance with the mission and objectives of the journal and on the basis of the nomenclature of scientists’ specialties.
The mission of the journalis rendering assistance in integration of higher school science and education, publication of the most significant materials and discussions on actual problems of historical, socio-humanistic and sociocultural knowledge with application of the obtained scientific achievements in socio-political and educational practice; ensuring extensive public discussion of the most actual problems of society and science; and enrichment of theoretical and practical base of a domestic and world historiography, sociology and cultural science.
The scientific direction of the edition according to branches of sciences:
Historical Sciences 07.00.00
Sociological Sciences 22.00.00
Cultural Studies 24.00.00
The journal is devoted to actual problems of a social science, the humanities and the jurisprudence. Not only the Russian, but also foreign scientists publish the original works on its pages. Today the journal includes three sections within which important scientific problems are solved.
In section "Historical sciences" (07.00.00), the original works discussing problems of a foreign and Russian historiography, history of Russia and the North Caucasus, as well as questions of preservation of historical memory of the Russian people are provided.
In section "Sociological Sciences" (22.00.00), articles and results of scientific researches in the field of sociology of culture, ethnic sociology, economic sociology, a demography, and sociocultural processes control in the conditions of globalization are published.
In section "Cultural Studies" (24.00.00), actual problems of the theory and cultural history, a correlation of elements of national, mass and elite culture in the globalized world, modern art criticism, and regional features of preservation of cultural and historical heritage of Russia are considered. Special attention is paid to interdisciplinary approach in studying sociocultural development of the South of Russia which is successfully realized by means of a harmonious combination of research methodology of classical, nonclassical and post-nonclassical science.