The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology” The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology”
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#2 / 2011


V.E. Korotkov The social and cultural arguments of the knowledge and modern transcendentalism
A.R. Ashkhamaf Principles and methods of studying ecological consciousness
A.A. Shaov The theoretical bases of a phenomenon of ideology: the social-philosophical analysis


A.V. Sopov, A.Sh. Buzarov Place and role of Cossacks in the Russian cultural-ethnic processes
Yu.A. Yakhutl New Economic Policy in a domestic historiography
A.V. Dubrovin Self-identification of the Russian officers participating in the Caucasian War (19th century)
T.V. Korot’ko Primary, secondary and secondary special education in Turkey
Zh.V. Kagazezhev Adyghe late- mid-century Kemirgoy (Kremuk) princedom


L.A. Delova Ethnodemographic situation in Adygheya Republic
T.L. Pyatakova Dialectics of quantitative and qualitative approaches in ethnosocial researches
D.V. Karabash Youth in Russian contemporary society: problems of destructive behavior
S.V. Sergienko Preventive measures against destructive behaviour of minors: experience of foreign strategies
E.A. Vereshchagina Social-professional and value orientations of teachers at comprehensive schools in the conditions of modernization of social institute of education (regional aspect)
M.A. Laktionova Gender violence as an interdisciplinary problem
L.V. Klimenko Regional peculiarities of the social feeling of the population in the multiethnic regions of the South of Russia
V.R. Valiullin National and international problems as a result of internal ethnic stratification
Z.N. Vodozhdokova Research activity of post-graduate students and competitors for Candidate degree: disciplinary differentiation
A.A. Bezrukova Gender characteristics of social positions of women in the Adyghe traditional society


I.V. Zhidkikh Detailed elaboration of principles of appointment of punishment in system of softening and aggravating circumstances
E.N. Pshizova Legal basis of protection of workers’ rights in criminal law
M.I. Katbambetov Problems of a legal estimation of weapon application at realization of office and professional work
E.L. Sidorenko The right of self-defense for the person and its logical-structural analysis
R.E. Tovmasyan On clearing settlements: a financial-legal aspect
B.N. Khachak Delay in punishment by criminal - executive legislation: the gender analysis


A.M. Siyukhova Theoretical and methodological preconditions of the analysis of “night” concept in Adyghes’ ethnoculture
B.S. Khotko The “open-air” burial ceremony in space of pagan culture of the Abhazes and Adyghes
S.E. Khokon Cosmic features in symbolics of Adyghe traditional costume

Political Science

E.A. Kasatkina The 1962 Caribbean crisis: new approaches and estimations (based on materials of the U.S. National Safety Archive)
Yu.D. Dalaeva Attributive and functional properties of the information power

#3 / 2011


A.Yu. Amirkhanov Conceptual approaches to the study of spirituality
E.S. Kukva Formation of the Russian national identity: from discursive to social practices
N.A. Khlyzova The idea of “human world” as the image of reality
Yu.G. Gryaznova Conflictogenity of interaction between generations in the culture of Russian modern society
V.A. Zaichenko The interaction of tradition and innovation in conditions of technoevolution
A.M. Leshchenko Multifunctionality of network communications in a modern society


R.Yu. Kortoev The American-Iranian relations during the administration of U.S. President B. Clinton (1993 - 2001)
R.A.Tleptsok Agrarian transformations of the 1860s in the North-West Caucasus
S.A. Kropachev The 1937 – 1938 Soviet propagation about scales of mass political repressions
Yu.D. Anchabadze Rural gathering in system of imperious relations in the Adyghe post-revolutionary aul (1920s)
O.A.Butova Role of the first naibs of Shamil Khadzhi Mohammed and Suleyman Efendi in political consolidation of the Western Circassia (1842-1846)
S.A. Gorokhov Religious factor in the political life of modern India
S.A. Luguev, A.D. Elmurzaeva Mummers in wedding and other ritual practice of peoples of Daghestan in the 19th - early 20th century
M.V. Yanova On the history of reconstruction of the Kalmyk People’ Autonomy: as shown by the documents of Central Archives
L.S. Tsareva Dress in a female costume of the Cossack population of the New Line villages (the last quarter of the 19th century – 1920s)


A.Yu. Chadje The Russian identity in a context of postnonclassical science
Ya.Yu. Moroz Specificity of social-group identity of physically handicapped youth
M.A. Mitrov Culture of a consumer society in Russia during the period of economic crisis: a regional aspect
A.A. Pshishok Youth culture in modern Russia: the functional-specific analysis
I.A. Karataban Motivations and higher education accessibility in modern Russia
A.A. Fedoseyeva Bases of the prevention of youth subculture criminalization: search for the ideological content
R.R. Gomleshko Youth extremism in modern sociocultural space
N.A. Shaozheva Value criteria for modern gender complexes
N.M. Grigorashchenko-Alieva Narcotism in system of behavior deviations at modern
I.A. Ivanov Information culture of local governments
S.T. Chesebieva Physical training as the statement factor of student healthy way of life
R.V.Sokolov Preferences of young townspeople concerning residing areas


A.M. Chadje, A.V. Margiev On the right of Republics as subjects of the Russian Federation to establish the state languages
L.N. Burkova On fiduciary (confidential) character of civil legal relationships
E.V. Khakhaleva Some questions related to determination of judicial defense facilities in administrative rule-making
G.N. Berezin Head’s skills and competencies on development of organizational culture in law-enforcement bodies
R.M. Pshidatok Preventive measures against deviant behavior of minors: the question theory
A.N. Levushkin Deprivation of the parental rights under the legislation of the Baltic States
D.N. Lozovsky Some aspects of criminalistic study of the organized crime grup
B.Yu. Dzhamirze Some problematic aspects of administrative-jurisdiction processing in business


N.S. Pichko Culturological comprehension of modern consciousness

Political Science

V.G. Shustov The basic models of local government
D.S. Kokorkhoeva Institution of Higher Officials of the Republics within the Russian Federation: problems related to political reform
S.A. Kutilin Monitoring of formation of Russian civil identity in a system of security policy of the Russian Federation (basing on materials from Moscow and Krasnodar Territory)
A.I. Deyneka Electoral field of modern Russia as an object of political study
E.V. Amninov Politics and moral consciousness in the historical process
I.I. Miroshnikov The analysis of the basic approaches to definition of personnel policy of the state and municipal service
R.F. Mukhametdinov In search for spiritual and ideological guidelines

#4 / 2011


A.N. Mikhnyuk Analytical tradition: searches for perfect language
I.A. Yakovenko Correlation of religious and scientific knowledge
A.P. Fedorovsky Historical consciousness: features of formation and objectivation
Z.Kh. Lovpache Legal hermeneutics as a science division on understanding
E.V. Parkhomenko Argot as a text version
N.V. Pashkova Freedom as the necessary form of existence (M.K. Mamardashvili’s philosophy)
A.Yu. Ryashentseva Pedagogical question: from rules to art
N.A. Sigida Military virtue in theoretical wars
O.V. Letunova The economic projects adequate to metaphysical type of economic thinking


S.P. Markova On history of the English trading company of Merchant Adventurers
A.S. Ivashchenko The purposes, principles and system of training professionals with higher education in the countries with the developed market economy
E.V. Oserskaya The reasons of deportation of Armenians by the Young Turk regime in days of the First World War
A.B. Fetyukov Artistic intelligentsia in the Khrushchev period: structure and social position (based on Leningrad data)
L.N. Galimova Activity of provincial merchants of the Volga region belonging to zemstvo institutions in the middle of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century
I.G. Ivantsov On history of mutual relations between the party-state control bodies of All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the law and order bodies in the late 1920s through the beginning of 1930s
L.D. Fedoseyeva Development of capitalist relations in agriculture in the Northwest Caucasus (the late 1860s – 1890s)
L.V. Burykina Features of the foundation and social and economic development of villages of Maikop Department in the Kuban region
T.V. Korotko The development of modern theatre arts in Turkey
A.V. Dubrovin “An image of the enemy” in memoirs of Russian officers, participating in the Caucasian War of the 19th century


T.I. Afasizhev, M.A. Shenkao Sociocultural imperatives of Adyghe-Abkhazian and Abasin table etiquette
O.I. Kuskarova Sociocultural process: a condition, features and interaction factors
A.V. Shcherbakova Factors and the reasons of migratory process in the Stavropol Territory
S.T. Chesebieva Culture of health in system of a healthy way of life at students with the weakened health
Z.Yu.Tuguz Ethnogender features of family-marriage relations in Adygheya Republic
F.K. Tlyusten Intellectual property in sociocultural space of an information society: problems and prospects
A.-L.YU. Mulyar Cultural-identification processes of ethnic minorities in the multiethnic region
S.I. Kulibaba A self-reflexion of organizational culture (a sociological case-study)
R.A. Berechetova Cognitive measurement of legal consciousness in generational cohorts of the Adygheya Republic inhabitants
S.Z. Bzhetseva The childhood status in a modern research paradigm
V.V. Tarasenko The sociological definition of territorial clusters
M.V. Averyanov Methodological approaches in research of a phenomenon of corruption: a sociocultural aspect
M.V. Saakyan Ways of increasing legal culture of the Russian society
A.M. Shchukin Legal culture of youth as an object of sociological research
L.U. Kurbanova Role of stereotypes in designing and functioning of gender identity: theoretical aspect
L.V. Usova Sociocultural adaptation of children with the limited possibilities


A.A. Abregova The state contract in Russia: problems related to the institute development
S.M. Gozgesheva The phenomenon of traditional law (adat) and Mohammedan law (shariath) in the North Caucasus
I.N. Gaydareva Topical problems of counteraction to corruption in public service system
G.V. Dosta The different elements of criminal characteristics of crimes against health of the population and the public morals, made by the persons having mental frustration, not excluding insanity
D.V. Fedotova Problems of formation and application of institute of the pre-judicial cooperation agreement in the Russian Federation


N.Yu. Bouriak Culture-forming potential and the sociocultural nature of language: the peculiarities of ethnosemantical interpretation

Political Science

Z.Yu. Khuako Sociopolitical factors of journalism functioning in a political system of society
Z.A. Zhade Geopolitical construction of a modern world order
M.A. Sedinkin Opportunities of using a foreign experience in formation of e-government in Russia
E.P. Olifirenko The reasons and forms of display of youth extremism on the national basis