Address: 385000, Maikop, Adyghea Republic, Pervomayskaya Street, House 208. Ph.: 8(8772) 52 48 55
Historical and political Sciences
L.V. Burykina Formation of civil settlements in the Northwest Caucasus in the 1840s – 1850s
N.B. Akoeva Daily life of Novodonetskaya village
F.H. Shebzukhova A problem of peasants in internal policy of the tsarist government in the 1880s-1890s: arrangement of a tax system
A.V. Sopov Historical predecessors of cossacks, setting up and development of the Cossacks
L.D. Fedoseeva Cultural life of the Black Sea cossacks in the beginning of the 19th century
M.A. Mamedova Activity of the Adygheya militia in struggle with criminality and in protection of a social order in the 1920s
E.M. Malysheva The NKVD-NKGB bodies in the political system of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
L.R. Khut On the so-called “intermediate zones” in period schemes of the world history
Sociological and Cultural Studies
R.I. Lozovskaya The contents of cultural education of the future teacher-musician
M.A. Shorov The territorial organization of Islam infrastructure in the South of Russia
A.A. Muzalev, M.A. Shorov Christianity in Adygheya: a history and the present
Sciences of Law
A.I. Trakhov, D.S. Ablezov The problems of perfection of antinarcotic legislation in the Russian Federation
S.K. Tseeva On the formation of civil-law culture in students - the future lawyers
B.N. Khachak Differentiation of the criminal liability by gender: historical aspect
Political Sciences and Social Movements
T.M. Polyakova Realization of the principles of a lawful state in modern Russia
A.S. Buzarov On a nature and a role of multiparty membership in the Russian post-Soviet space: a party, a society, authority and democracy (1990–2000)
Z.A. Zhade Ethnonational geopolitical identity: setting a problem
H.I. Tuguz Polemology and ethnopolitical science: sciences about war and peace
N.S. Cheuchev National diplomacy as a means of the settlement of social conflicts. The purposes and objectives of the Centre
R.K. Bzasezheva Adyghe Khase in the 21st century: a strategic choice
Historical Sciences
L.F. Fedoseeva The development of new territories by cossacks on the boundary of the 18th- 19th centuries
L.V. Burykina Expansion of the military – cossack colonization on the Caucasian line from the 1790s to the 1860s.
G.G. Davitlidze The formation of a network of edu-cational institutions in the pre-revolutionary Kuban re-gion.
Y.N. Sedoy Monetary circulation in Russia within the First World War
Y.N. Sedoy Monetary Circulation in Russia at the Provisional Government
E.I. Kashirina The white voluntary army
V.V. Kulakov and E.I. Kashirina The reasons of defeat of white movement in the South of Russia
K.G. Achmiz A contribution of rural youth of the Northwest Caucasus in the Victory (On historiography of a problem)
O.V. Petrovskaya Provision of educational process with the teaching personnel in higher schools of Bulgaria and Poland (1944-1989).
S.P. Markova John Wycliffe and the European Reformation
Sociological and Cultural Studies
S.I. Khrupin and N.M. Sustina Cultural wealth of the senior generation as the factor of social unity and the consent.
S.I. Khrupin and N.M. Sustina Cultural wealth of the senior generation as the factor of social unity and the consent
E.S. Kukva Russian identity in a multi-ethnic region
M.B. Bogus Multicultural education in a context of global experience.
Sciences of Law
S.G.Dzybova The institute of delegated legislation
P.N.Markov On a concept of “the territorial public self-administration”
N.A.Petrovsky An analogy-based method for inter-pretation of norms of a criminal – procedural right (Byelorus is taken as an example)
Political Sciences
A.S.Buzarov On a place of the 1930s, a role of the people and political leaders in the fortune of the Soviet state: setting up a problem (a historical-political view)
L.P. Repina, V.D. Mozerov A review to the manual of S.P. Markova, Professor of the Faculty of General History, Adyghe State University, “England in the Epoch of Middle Ages and Early Time” – Maikop, 2005, 258 pp.
L.P. Repina and V.D. Mozerov A review to the manual of S.P. Markova, Professor of the Faculty of Gen-eral History, Adyghe State University, “England in the Epoch of Middle Ages and Early Time” – Maikop, 2005, 258 pp.
A.M. Saletskiy and S.P. Karpov A decision about assignment of a signature stamp of Educational-Methodical Association on Classical University Education at the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Historical Sciences
A.D.Panesh Geopolitical position of Cherkesiya during the 1806-1812 Russian-Turkish War
G.G.Davitlidze and I.Y.Kutsenko Perfection of a school affair in Russia and in the Kuban region in the after-reform period
F.H.Shebzukhova The Russian legislation: a problem of duration of a working day (the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)
E.I. Kashirina White Guard armed forces of the South of Russia
N.A.Babchuk Valour and glory of the Kuban cos-sacks (Heroes of the 4-th Guards Kuban Cossack Cavalry corps)
K.G. Achmiz A heroic deed of the people – the winner in the Great Patriotic War (Polemic notes)
Historical Source Study
F.F.Mukhametov A general characteristic of sources of the Mongolian period
Sociological and Cultural Studies
T.I. Afasizhev and I.B. Tkhagapsova The analysis of the dominant tendencies in transformation of ethnic identity of the Karachaevo - Cherkesiya population
V.N. Nekhay Specific features of interethnic communication in a context of internationalization of spiritual life in Adygheya
S.N. Potapov A functional structure of administrative interaction: the sociological analysis
A.P. Mikhailov and I.G. Gavrilova A social-cultural specificity of socialization of juveniles with attributes of deviant behaviour
Problems of Jurisprudence
I.G. Gavrilova The role of legal education in formation of a person keeping the Law
Political Sciences
A.S. Buzarov Some historical-political views on the questions which have caused falling of the Russian empire and disintegration of the USSR in the 20th century: setting up of a problem
Z.A. Zhade An ethnic space as the factor of geopolitics
Z.K. Stash Democratic and authoritative foundations of a modern political regime in Russia
A.S. Buzarov A generation of the 1940s. The new book
Historical Sciences
L.V. Burykina Cherkesogais in the Northwest Caucasus in the 19th century.
F.H. Shebzukhova The problem of a peasant community in internal politics of the imperial government in the second half of the 19th century.
N.T. Napso The North Caucasian military formations in the German armed forces (1941-1945).
E.F. Krinko A childhood during the War (1941–1945): problems and prospects of study.
Y.M. Braga Peasant (farmer) economy: two approaches to one problem.
Sociological and Cultural Studies
A.A. Afashagova Endoecological principles of the formation of meal culture in students.
S.A. Guchepshokova From onomastics to linguistic culturology
T.M. Stepanova and F.A. Autleva International relations and influences as a display of a dialogue of cultures (historiographical problems).
S.I. Khvatova National in church (about one version of a choir sacred concert in the Russian orthodox church)
G.V. Salakhodinova Politics of the Russian government concerning Muslim clergy in the Kuban area (second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries)
Sciences of Law
T.B. Bersirov Formation of legal consciousness: a historical-juridical aspect.
I.A. Shcherbovich On features of formation of a rent in leasing buildings and constructions.
Political Sciences
V.N. Diulin Natural-climatic, demographic and political features of the Unarokovo village formation
H.I. Tuguz Liquidation and restoration of Kalmyk national statehood: a political-juridical aspect.
Z.A. Zhade Regional identity from the point of view of geopolitics
A.S. Buzarov On some aspects of specific features of modern Russian ideology: setting up of problems
K.I. Buzarov Educational-cognitive potential of the Adyghe proverbs and sayings (The next ethnopedagogical work of Professor I.A. Shorov)