The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,<br />
the series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology” The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University,
the series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology”
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#1 / 2014


  • M.N. Artyukhov
    On the problem of the use of the term «sect»

    The article examines the concept of «sect», which is becoming more widely used in sociology, law, psychology and other fields to refer to new religious movements (NRMs). The author tries to show that the term «sect» taken from comparative theology, by going to the other sciences, didn’t get rid of the negative perception that prevents from its objective study. Particular attention is paid to the critical analysis of the Orthodox sources of destructive activities of the new religions, namely the incorrect use of concepts such as «brainwashing», «manipulation of consciousness» and «mental terrorism» against all NSDs.

    pdf 13-21.pdf  (148 Kb)

  • G.I. Bolshakova,M.V. Kovalenko
    Professional education: social problems of regionalization

    This article explains the formation of a fundamentally new and more flexible holistic regional vocational education adapted to the needs of the regional labor market. Significant place is given to understanding the goals, objectives, stages of social engineering educational complexes and links between educational institutions of various types, members of the regional vocational-educational complexes.

    pdf 22-27.pdf  (126 Kb)

  • N.O. Ismailov
    The relationship of law and morality in the context of justice

    This article explores the relationship of morality and law from the standpoint of justice. Law and morality are considered as a possible guarantor of justice. In this case, a positive law is largely considered, but also we take into account that the basis of positive law should be the law as norm, the right to its distinction with the law. Law and morality are interrelated and interdependent.

    pdf 28-34.pdf  (137 Kb)

  • N.V. Kasumov, I.I. Sventitskiy, V.A. Mudrik
    Anthropic principle as a consequence of progressive evolution

    Since its inception the essence of the anthropic principle has not been comprehended in the ontology and methodology of science. The discovering of the important role of the global evolution in cognition and reasoning in the ontology of really ideal features of progressive evolution by philosophers allowed the authors to establish the objective reality of this entity as a result of evolution.

    pdf 35-42.pdf  (269 Kb)


  • V.V. Bogatyreva
    The origin of the legal mentality of Kuban Cossacks

    The author examines the historical features and factors affecting life, culture, as well as legal mentality of the Kuban Cossacks.

    pdf 43-46.pdf  (115 Kb)

  • O.A. Butova
    Mohammed Amin’s activities for consolidation of the western Adyghes (1840 — 1850-s)

    Article is devoted to Mohammed Amin’s stay in the Northwest Caucasus for the purpose of consolifation of Adyghes in their fight against imperial Russia. The author shows characteristic features of the administrative, political and military reforms which were carried out in Circassia under the direction of Mohammed Amin. The conclusion is drawn that thanks to Mohammed Amin’s efforts the Adyghe resistance became more organized and rallied. Nevertheless, owing to the developed circumstances caused by the Caucasian war and because of ambiguous perception of activity of Mohammed Amin by various Adyghe subethnoses and different layers of the Adyghe society, processes of political consolidation in the western Circassia were not complete.

    pdf 47-52.pdf  (125 Kb)

  • S.P. Markova
    The concept of «feudalism» in the modern interpretation of research

    This article analyzes the concept of the modern conception of «feudalism», which is identified with a different concept of «Middle Ages». The term «feudalism» emerged in the late 18th century, experienced a large number of interpretations in world historiography, but it was essentially a way of knowledge of the Middle Ages.

    pdf 53-60.pdf  (141 Kb)

  • S.A. Nadyukov
    Ethno-social and economic character of Circassia at the border of the 15-16th centuries

    This article analyzes the ethno-social and economic shape of Circassia in the 15-16th centuries. The author reveals that the Circassians in this period were divided into two groups: Western — from sustainable ethnic groups (subethnoses) and eastern (Kabardians). The author comes to the conclusion that social stratification was more distinctly shown in Kabardians. Western Adygs retained many relics of patriarchal clan system. The basis of economic activity of Adygs was agriculture.

    pdf 61-65.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • R.A. Panesh
    Social economic and political development of the Western Adyghs society in the last quarter of the 15-th and the first half of the 16th centuries

    Study of the problem of formation of Russian multinational state is one of the most important tasks of historical science. An important aspect of this issue is to clarify the preconditions of establishing political-military contacts between Russia and the Circassians in the 1550s. The purpose of this article is to show the peculiarities of the social and economic development of the Adyghs before their addressing to Moscow. The subject of research is the Circassians of Northwest Caucasus, and the object is the social and economic processes in the Adyghe society. The Western Adyghe society demonstrated feudal features in the period under review. The lack of political centralization. There was no official religion, peculiar religious syncretism was observed.

    pdf 66-74.pdf  (151 Kb)

  • A.V. Radonova
    Model of social policy of the Soviet Russia

    The article analyzes the reasons of the low efficiency of social protection of the population. The processes taking place in the country aimed at regulation of all spheres of life of the population are characterized in order to provide comprehensive assistance to a person in dealing with various problems throughout his life.

    pdf 75-77.pdf  (110 Kb)

  • A.K. Cheucheva, I.K. Brantova
    Abadzekhs: experience of social and cultural reconstruction (based on «the Abadzekh tale» by Z. Hadji Brantov)

    Relevance of research is determined by the need to study the history of Adygs — Abadzekhs in their spatial dimension using the method of social-cultural reconstruction. The subject of the research in the article are questions of social organization, economic and religious culture of Adyghs-Abadzekhs. The purpose is historical reconstruction of Abadzekh society on the basis of analysis of materials of «the Abadzekh tale» by Z. Hadji Brantov. The study of the source allowed creation of a complete picture of the cultural and historical area of Abadzekhs in the 19th century.

    pdf 78-88.pdf  (164 Kb)

  • S.A. Chuprynnikov
    Higher School Institution under the Soviet socialist mobilization project of 1930-s (as shown by materials of the Kuban region)

    The article analyzes the emergence and the state of the Soviet system of higher education in terms of the mobilization socialist project of the 1930s. Personnel Party — Soviet policy in higher education is characterized, as well as «cleansings» that took place. Issues of training of young specialists are highlighted. Material and consumer conditions of scientists and students are analyzed. The conclusion about expediency of higher education under the producing economy with appropriate values and value orientations is made.

    pdf 89-98.pdf  (154 Kb)


  • M.T. Aslanova, E.V. Saprykina
    Knowledge and information in modern society: the source of hazard or risk experts?

    The paper analyzes the changes in the modern world due to the transition to a new stage of social development. The definition of the information society as a theoretical concept of post-industrial society is provided. Society of risk is defined as a company that produces technological and social risks. Knowledge, science and information are considered as sources of risk.

    pdf 99-105.pdf  (132 Kb)

  • E.V. Vartanian
    Cultural and legal values as a basis of professional identity of specialists of jurisprudence

    In this article, the author examines the values as the basis of professional socialization of future professionals of the legal community. The paper notes that a necessary condition for their occurrence in a particular social role is a sufficient level of mastering the dominant values and norms by the future specialists.

    pdf 106-110.pdf  (124 Kb)

  • T.A. Kornienko
    The concept of modernization and its criticism in Western social sciences in the debate about the nature and development issues

    The article is devoted to general theoretical social and political problems of modernization of societies. Modernization theory is a theory which is used to explain the process of modernization in societies in foreign literature. Modernization refers to a progressive transition from a model of «pre-modern» or «traditional» to «modern» society. The author focuses on the theoretical aspects of modernization (Westernization, evolutionalizm, ethnocentrism, universalism), which later became the objects of conservative and radical critics. This article analyzes the intellectual and foreign policy reasons which led to a discussion about the nature and problems of the development of societies in terms of the theory of modernization.

    pdf 111-118.pdf  (142 Kb)

  • A.V. Lubyanov
    The role of identity in the formation of regional unity

    The article discusses the problem of the integrity of the region as a social and territorial community. Its topicality is explained by the process of federalization of modern Russia and by imigration population dynamics. Both factors determine the conditions for the economic independence of the region, the effectiveness of which is derived from the degree of solidarity of the population. Systematizing theoretical approaches to the analysis of the problem of social solidarity, the author shows non-coincidence of the region as a subject of administration as well as a territorial regional unity. Formation of a regional community involves reliance on regional identity. The article analyzes the universal and specific components of regional identity, its role in the construction of the image area. The author focuses also on factors braking natural formation of regional identity: differentiation by type of settlement in the region and ethno-cultural groups. Much attention is paid to the administrative factor in the formation of regions, which has a different effect depending on the principles of interaction between the center and regions. The author shows that a centralized mechanism for the formation of regions that are endowed with the relative economic independence, requires regional identity construction from the subject of management.

    pdf 119-127.pdf  (149 Kb)

  • A.P. Mikhailov, N.V. Tsarakhova
    The main determinants of the deviation in the behavior of modern youth: peculiarities of scientific analysis

    In this article the authors explore the problems of etiology of deviations in the behavior of modern Russian youth from the standpoint of the sociology of culture. The paper presents an analysis of the determining factors in the development of deviant practices in modern youth community, as well as the explication of the basic concepts on this issue in the context of social and cultural analysis and the use of foreign and domestic experience of general theoretical research in this area of expertise.

    pdf 128-132.pdf  (124 Kb)

  • V.A. Sergodeyev
    Communicative practices in the Internet communities

    The article defines the concept of communicative practice which is regarded as an effective tool of the sociological analysis of human behavior within cyberspace. Structural and functional features of the network communication practices in the virtual sphere are characterized. The most common types of communicative practices of members of online communities are identified.

    pdf 133-138.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • V.A. Teshev
    Dual education as a factor in the modernization of the social partnership of universities and enterprises

    The article discusses the specifics and advantages of the dual training. The tasks needed to be addressed for the development of the education system in the Republic of Adyghea in dual format are listed. The dual system of education in Germany, which demonstrates high quality of education is considered. It is concluded that the dual system of training is one of the most successful models of learning and cooperation of production, which can be used as an innovative type of targeted training organization.

    pdf 139-144.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • F.K. Tuguz
    Geopolitical determinants: specificity of impact on the socialization of the individual in the educational space of classical university in Russian society

    The article considers the actual scientific problem: the impact of geopolitical determinants on the socialization of the personality in the educational space of classical university in the Russian society. Features of the personality socialization in the educational space of classical university in the Russian society formed as a result of this impact are identified.

    pdf 145-149.pdf  (150 Kb)


  • R.V. Autleva
    Characteristics of cases investigated by summary procedure in the arbitration process

    This article discusses the introduction of a summary procedure for a number of cases. The author reveals their exhaustive list. The most important element of this procedure is the lack of case preparation and trial at legal investigation. Judgment is made only on the basis of materials submitted by the participants of the process to the court.

    pdf 150-153.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • S.V. Mikheeva
    Some issues arising from the restriction of the legal status of convicted persons

    This article discusses mechanisms of restriction of the legal status of prisoners imposed at various levels of rulemaking applications. Legal mechanisms form the system arranged in hierarchical order. They differ from each other not only in its content and scope of impact on reality, but in the depth and breadth of this impact. Restrictions can be divided into direct and indirect, which are embodied in the federal law, follow from the court’s verdict, and may be also provided by punishment regime.

    pdf 154-157.pdf  (115 Kb)

  • F.N. Udychak
    Legal forms of the state national security

    The author examines the legal forms of the state national security and the main types of right establishing activities.

    pdf 158-161.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • A.Kh. Khuade
    Some controversial issues relating to the object of crime under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

    This article analyzes such legal categories as «privacy», «personal privacy» and «personal and family secrets». It is emphasized that these categories are not identical and are independent.

    pdf 162-167.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • N.S. Chebanova
    The Supreme Service dealing with petitions in the Moscow state in the 16-17th centuries (functions, competence, legal basis of activity)

    The article considers mandatory system in the Moscow state in the 16-17th centuries, namely the Supreme Service, established in 1549 to direct complaints of survicemen of state to the tsar. This office carried out functions of the Tsar’s Chancellery in the periods of absence of the sovereign. The Supreme Service dealing with petitions was unique because it was not included in any branch system of the Moscow State Services of the 16-17th centuries.

    pdf 168-171.pdf  (117 Kb)


  • N.K. Gasanova
    European multiculturalism vs Russian multiculturalism: a cross -cultural analysis

    The article considers the Russian peculiarities of the problems of «multiculturalism» in comparison with the European. The introduction of the term «Russian multiculturalism» is justified. The working definition of «multicultural» and «multiculturalism» is given.

    pdf 172-179.pdf  (160 Kb)

  • E.A. Mikhaylenko
    The development of aesthetic perception, artistic and creative abilities of students by means of computer graphics

    This work discusses a problem of esthetic perception of a cultural heritage of mankind and development and expansion of the sphere of artistic and creative abilities of pupils thanks to connection of objects at lessons of computer graphics.

    pdf 180-183.pdf  (686 Kb)

  • N.S. Pichko
    Religious and musical space and the Orthodox Church as a prototype of mysteriological in culture

    The paper considers the problem of spiritual in culture. The concept of «spiritual and moral culture « is disclosed. The classification of spiritual and moral values of the individual in the context of culture is suggested. The article discusses the relation of physical and spiritual phenomenon in culture. Numerous philosophical categories, which constitute the methodological apparatus of most scientific systems, are analyzed.

    pdf 184-196.pdf  (180 Kb)